The last year was the most chaotic year of my life. Well, I guess for everyone in the world. So many things happened in just one year that I felt ‘’A state of total confusion with no order”. However, I feel like chaos has its own beauty. Its, own system. I was thinking a lot lately, does even chaos has its own structural system that creates some kind of balance, harmony at the end?
CHAOS VII. 2020 (sold)
70 × 70cm, acrylic on canvas, fluorescent
Exhibited in Budapest
CHAOS IX. 2020
70 ×100 cm (2 pieces), acrylic on canvas
thick frame, fluorescent
Exhibited in Budapest, Cluj-Napoca
CHAOS XI. 2020 (sold)
80 x 80 cm , acrylic on canvas, fluorescent
Exhibited in Budapest
100 x 100 cm, acrylic on canvas
Currently in the US at Cici and Hyatt Brown Museum of Art
100 x 100 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2D
Exhibited in Jiaxing, West Bund Art Fair, Shanghai, Ningbo Museum of Art