Katalin Hajdú – Abigail Gallery

The works of Orsolya Áder blends into the character of Abigail Gallery organically, as if they have always belonged here; in fact, her art displays all the elements which will be familiar to followers of the gallery’s exhibition programme. At the same time, her lyrically abstract paintings have brought such vibrancy and breezy vigour within our walls that it has been like opening a window on a spring morning and feeling life’s blessings. Art is also a flow of energy, and that current runs through Orsolya Áder’s work.

In my work I see it as important to not only present canonical oeuvres and established artists, but also to show the public something new and fresh, and to provide a platform for innovative works of art.

For a long time I had wanted to work with a member of the youngest generation of artists, and in Orsolya Áder I feel that I have found the best possible partner. I am positive that those who get to know her work will understand why I believe in her art so profoundly and why I think that we will hear much more about her. She is a genuinely experimental artist, never content with obvious solutions. She experiments with space, light, visual perception, order and chaos. Her paintings strive to reach out into space, providing exciting imagery from oblique angles as well as from the front, simultaneously displaying both the chaos and order of the universe while bearing its secrets. For the structure of her paintings, Orsolya Áder delights in using age-old systems of proportions, such as the golden ratio and the Fibonacci sequence, and is interested in ancient mathematical and astronomical relationships. As a truly free artist, she also knows that freedom leads to order at its most stable.


She invests a great deal of effort in her creations, working tirelessly and with great spirit, driven by the desire for something new in every one of her paintings – even though they may be only a tiny detail. She is not influenced by a guiding master; although she observes many, she follows no one, instead resolutely pursuing the path she has charted for herself. She has studied in London, and in recent years a strong attraction to Asian culture and history led to an extended stay in Shanghai, learning the Chinese language and its characters. In recent years she has been exposed to countless visual influences which have been indirectly incorporated into the visual world of her works. These also evoke the pulse of rhythm and music in the viewer. She is strongly attracted to music, having tried her hand as a DJ, and is also at home in the realm of fashion.

Her latest paintings splendidly capture the night sky, the atmosphere of the night and the ambience of fluorescent light. It is like turning off the lights when the sun goes down and finding ourselves in another world, with different rules and experiences.

This has been a strange year; 2020 will be remembered as the year in which everything we thought we knew about the world was overturned. But during the lockdown I have seen that the creativity of artists has not diminished; and as long as creative energy appears on canvas in the way it does in Orsolya Áder’s paintings, I believe that art will continue to guide us through such times of crisis.


Please study these works, immerse yourself in them and allow them to affect your senses. Let your associations come to the surface, heed your feelings, and reflect on the interpretations which emerge from within.


Katalin Hajdú

Abigail Gallery and Auction House